How to Change TSC Pay Point

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The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is an independent body responsible for hiring and firing teachers. The commission allows teachers to choose their preferred bank accounts through which the commission will pay their salaries.

For teachers to receive their salaries, they must provide their bank/Sacco account details during the filling of the TSC bank forms.

TSC bank forms are provided by the preferred banks to the teachers when they are first employed by the commission. A fully filled form is then sent to the TSC head offices together with other necessary documents after successful vetting and interviews.

A teacher may prefer to change his/her pay point for various reasons. This is possible since this window is given by the commission.

How to Change TSC Salary Pay Point

As a teacher, you are always allowed to change your pay point from time to time as you deem fit. Ensure that you follow the following procedure outlined below in order for the salary to reflect in the new account.

  1. Download the bank form and print it into hard copy.
  2. Fill the form correctly with the correct details of your new pay point. Ensure that your form is certified by the school’s Head of Institution. For Principals/Headteachers, ensure your form is certified by the TSC County/Sub-County Director.
  3. Photocopy the new bank/Sacco plate on both sides. You should know that this is the new account where your salary will be channelled to. Ensure this copy is also certified.
  4. Attach a fully filled and certified bank form, bank plate and your National Identity Card
  5. Send these documents as one package to the TSC Headquarters in an envelope addressed to the TSC Secretary via the address; P.O Box, Private Bag, Nairobi.

NB: It should be noted that you are not supposed to close your current bank/Sacco account before the salary starts flowing through the newly provided bank account. This is advised since sometimes the commission may fail to effect the changes in good time and hence the salary will bounce back if your current account is closed.

A number of teachers have gone without salaries for months because they closed their current bank accounts before the salary is received in the new account.

If your pay point changes are made past the close of the TSC payroll, your salary will be sent to your current account. If you closed this account, the amount will be returned to TSC.

Since there are a number of bureaucracies involved to effect the new changes, retain your old bank account to avoid missing your salary until the new one is effected.

You are advised to keep checking your new bank account and ensure the salary is flowing into your bank account for four consecutive months before you close your old account.

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