Ksh. 5,000 Capitation For Junior School Learners, MoE

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Ksh. 5,000 Capitation For Junior School Learners, MoE

Each student in Junior Secondary School (JSS) has been allocated Sh4,998.1 for this term under the Free Day Junior School Education (FDJSE) funds, which were disbursed by the Ministry of Education. This amount is significantly lower than the anticipated Sh15,000 per learner for the financial year.

This allocation is part of the government’s Sh14 billion release of capitation funds for the second term of the academic year to support free day JSS programs. Each school hosting JSS has received a total of Sh274,444 as basic allocations from the government.

In a circular dated June 18, 2024, addressed to all County Directors of Education, Basic Education Principal Secretary Dr. Belio Kipsang stated that the allocation of funds to schools and institutions was based on data obtained from the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) on April 20.

“The Ministry of Education has released Free Day Junior Secondary Education funds for Junior Secondary Schools for term two at Sh4,998.1 per learner. Further, each school will receive an allocation of Sh274,444 as a basic allocation,” Dr. Kipsang announced.

The disbursement for each student includes Sh1,746.38 for tuition, with centralized procurement accounting for Sh1,175.72 through the Tuition account. The Operation account consists of Sh2,076, including Sh1,976 and Sh100 for centralized procurement, respectively.

The funds distribution for schools includes Sh199,713 for personal emoluments, Sh58,416.37 for rental box and postage, telephone charges, Board of Management meetings, and capacity building. Additionally, Sh11,667.14 is allocated for internet connectivity and electricity, and Sh4,647.49 for water and conservancy.

The PS noted that these funds are intended for learners in both Grades 7 and 8, and schools are expected to utilize the resources according to the ministry’s estimates. Schools must acknowledge receipt of the funds within two weeks. Schools that fail to acknowledge receipt in the stipulated period will be suspended from the program, and any discrepancies in enrollment will lead to recovery actions.

Additionally, Sh19 billion was sent to secondary schools under the free day secondary education program, while primary schools will receive Sh2.74 billion for free primary education.

Several school heads expressed frustration over the insufficient funds, reporting that they received only Sh4,156 per learner, which is less than the expected Sh5,000.

Ksh. 5,000 Capitation For Junior School Learners, MoE

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