KUPPET Weighs In On Postponement of School Reopening

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KUPPET Weighs In On Postponement of School Reopening. The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has issued a cautionary statement against the prolonged closure of schools, expressing concerns about the potential long-term repercussions on the country.

President William Ruto recently instructed the Ministry of Education to delay the reopening of schools, originally scheduled for May 6, 2024, citing the adverse weather conditions causing heavy rains and flooding.

Moffats Okisai, the Executive Secretary of KUPPET Busia, criticized the decision to extend the school holiday, highlighting its untimely nature as the education sector attempts to recover from the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Okisai pointed out the significant impact of the pandemic on the academic calendar and student-teacher interactions, which resulted in reduced learning hours while the syllabus and workloads remained unchanged.

Questioning the timing of directives from the Cabinet Secretary of Education, Ezekiel Machogu, Okisai emphasized the need for updates on the situation of flooded schools and corresponding mitigation efforts, similar to the regular updates provided during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He also expressed concerns about the potential challenges teachers will face upon schools reopening, as many students may have forgotten previously taught material. Okisai warned that prolonged closures could lead to a generation of learners lacking essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes, ultimately compromising the quality of education.

Okisai further speculated on the future consequences of the Education CS’s decisions, suggesting that they could impact various sectors, including aviation, justice, engineering, economics, healthcare, and leadership.

He quoted Geoffrey Chaucer’s observation that time waits for no one, stressing the urgency of implementing mitigation measures to address the current situation and prevent further loss of students’ time and educational opportunities. KUPPET Weighs In On Postponement of School Reopening

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