New TSC Hardship Areas and Updated Allowances Per Job Group

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TSC Hardship Allowances Per Job Group

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has recently updated the list of hardship areas that are recognized by the commission where new ones have been introduced and others removed as a result of changing infrastructure among other factors.

Those teachers teaching in those hardship areas are awarded hardship allowance which serves as a motivation factor for them to continue working in those areas.

The commission recognizes that these teachers are working under extreme conditions in those areas as compared to those working in normal areas a reason for recognition.

All hardship areas comes with different harsh conditions which are difficult to cope with which tends to pose a risk to their health and even security in those areas.

The Public Service Commission (PSC) released a list of all updated areas mapped for hardship. The commission further published these list on their website and the allowances these teachers will receive in accordance to PSC payment guidelines.

Teachers should know that some counties have been mapped as hardship areas but not all Sub-counties in those counties have been recognized.

Some of the counties and Sub-counties have been removed from the list of hardship areas for some reasons including improved infrastructure in those areas. Some of these counties include;

  1. Murang’a County
  2. Kandara Sub-County
  3. Nyandarua County
  4. Nyahururu Sub-County
  5. Kigumo Sub-County

Updated Hardship Areas

S/NOCOUNTY (Recognized Sub-counties)
1.Suba and Mbita Sub-County in Homabay County
2. Garissa County
3. Baringo North, Tiatty East, Tiaty west and Marigat Sub-Counties in Baringo County
4. Isiolo County
5.Nashukuru, Loitoktok and Kajiafo west Sub-counties in Kajiado County
6. Kwale County
7. Magarini and Ganze in Kilifi County
8. Lamu County
9.Marsabit County
10.Mumoni, Mutito North and Tseikuru Sub-Counties in Kitui County
11.Natoka South and Narok North Sub-Counties in Narok County
12. Mandera County
13. Samburu County
14. Taita Taveta County
15. West Pokot County
16.Turkana County
17. Wajir County
18. Tana River County
Table 1: List of Updated Hardship Areas

TSC Hardship Allowances Per Job Group

Job GroupHardship Allowance
Table 2: Hardship Allowances Per Job Group

It should be noted that payment for all newly updated hardship areas will only be paid once the areas are gazetted and a budget for new areas passed.

TSC Hardship Allowances Per Job Group

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