Primary School Capitation Released A Week to Closing
|Primary School Capitation Released A Week to Closing
The government has announced that Free Primary Education (FPE) funds have been released to the accounts of public primary schools hardly a week before the term ends.
According to a circular dated July 25 and signed by Belio Kipsang, Principal Secretary (PS) for Basic Education, the Ministry of Education has disbursed Ksh144 per learner to Account 1 and Ksh186 per learner to Account 2.
The circular further states that these funds have been transferred to the respective school accounts.
“The government has released Ksh144.00 per learner for Account 1 which has been deposited into respective schools’ accounts,” reads the circular.
“Ksh186.00 per learner has been released into respective schools’ Account 2.”
The circular instructs all regional, county, and sub-county directors of education that funds deposited in Account 1 should be strictly used for purchasing exercise books, teachers’ guides, reference materials, stationery, and assessments unless otherwise authorized by the relevant authority.
Additionally, the circular specifies that funds deposited in Account 2 should be used for support staff wages, environment and sanitation, contingencies, ICT infrastructure materials, science and applied materials, electricity, water and conservancy, local transport and travel expenses, among others.
County directors are urged to ensure that this information is communicated to all public primary school head teachers within their jurisdiction and to advise them to use the funds as outlined in the circular.
The circular also directs head teachers to acknowledge receipt of the funds immediately upon receiving them through the National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) platform.
Furthermore, sub-county directors of education are instructed to monitor the utilization of these funds to ensure strict adherence to the ministry’s guidelines.
“Upon receipt of the funds, the schools should immediately acknowledge receipt on the NEMIS platform. SCDEs should also regularly monitor utilization of these funds to ensure strict adherence to the ministry’s guidelines,” reads the circular.
The ministry has also recommended that heads of public primary schools consistently update their enrollment data on NEMIS, as future disbursements will be based on this information. Additionally, they are advised to upload learners in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 who lack birth certificates using their KNEC assessment numbers.
“Head teachers are also advised that future disbursements will be done using data from NEMIS. They should thus ensure that they regularly update their enrollment on NEMIS. Head teachers are advised to upload learners in grades 3,4,5 and 6 who do not have birth certificates using their KNEC assessment numbers,” reads the circular.
The circular also requests school heads to display information about the receipt of capitation grants on the school notice boards. Additionally, it requires that the budget be presented and discussed in Board of Management (BoM) meetings before any spending takes place.
“All Head teachers shall ensure that information on receipt of capitation grant is displayed on the school notice boards and the budget tabled and discussed in Board of Management (BOM) meetings before any expenditure,” reads the circular.
Primary School Capitation Released A Week to Closing