School Capitation Crisis As Term Two Begins on Monday
|School Capitation Crisis As Term Two Begins on Monday.
A new dispute is emerging between school administrators and the government, sparked by claims that schools won’t receive capitation funds when they reopen for the second term on Monday. One issue hindering reopening is the distribution of capitation.
Despite assurances from Machogu that parents will get a school fee waiver with flexible payment, headteachers are skeptical of his assertion that capitation money for this term was already provided by the end of the first term.
According to Machogu, schools should use the funds sent just before the end of the first term. He clarified that money was disbursed to schools at the start of the first term, comprising 25 percent, and another 25 percent was released at the end of the term.
Machogu believes that the latter portion of funds has not been utilized in some schools and stressed that they should start using it as directed by the CS.
However, the heads argue that operating schools without capitation would undermine their ability to admit students. They contend that the money provided at the end of the first term had already been used to settle debts and pay outstanding salaries for non-teaching staff.
Johnson Nzioka, leader of the Kenya Primary Schools Heads Association, warns of dire consequences if funds are not provided promptly for the second term. He stresses the importance of timely capitation to enable school heads to make necessary preparations, including purchasing cleaning materials and addressing overgrown compounds resulting from the holiday period.
School Capitation Crisis As Term Two Begins on Monday