TSC To Promote 30,000 Teachers In The Next Financial Year
|TSC To Promote 30,000 Teachers
Following an agreement reached between the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) during a meeting in Naivasha, 30,000 teachers who have stagnated in the same job group for 7 years will be promoted starting July 2024.
This comes after a six days meeting at Sawela Lodge in Naivasha between TSC and KUPPET.
During the media briefing by KUPPET top officials, the top officials from TSC were conspicuously absent.
The KUPPET Chairman, Omboko Milemba announced that there are 50,000 teachers who have stagnated in the same job group, but 30,000 teachers will be promoted as from July, next financial year.
Milemba mentioned that the meeting sought to address the teachers challenges including promotions for teachers who have never been promoted since 2017.
Addressing the media, KUPPET Secretary General Akello Misori expressed satisfaction with the recent promotions of over 50,000 teachers saying only 14 cases had issues which the meeting resolved it will be addressed.
“The Commission will seek an allocation of Sh1 billion for the promotion of 30,000 teachers who have stagnated for years,” he said.
While addressing the media, KUPPET Secretary General Akello Misori stated that the commission and the union resolved to address the delayed pension for teachers saying it was collaborating with the Department of Pension to address the problem.
The union representatives while addressing the press, further indicated that the commission will employ 20,000 teachers and confirm 26,000 teachers serving as interns.
Confirmation of these teachers will come in January 2025 after serving for internship for 2 years.
Akello Misori further acknowledged the fact that there was a great deficit in schools especially in Junior Secondary Schools where only two teachers are teaching all the learning areas in the two grades.
He said that the meeting has resolved to address this deficit by employing 20,000 teachers from which 2,000 teachers will be posted to Arid and Semi-arid lands (ASAL).
TSC To Promote 30,000 Teachers